SEO for your local Las Cruces Website

Website Design

Local Las Cruces business websites can have higher rankings in the search engine results (serps) by using SEO (Search Engine Optimization). There is an ongoing debate by SEO experts as to – “Does SEO work anymore”? My answer to that question is yes it does.

Las Cruces Website SEO tips

Here are some great tips for anyone desiring to get better rankings in all the top search engines, including the biggest one of them all Google.

On-page optimization

Use meta tags. They are HTML codes that are inside your pages and cannot be seen by the average surfer. They are the title, description, and keywords that you want to rank for on your page.

The URL (Uniform resource locator)of your site is a big factor for potential visitors looking for whatever type of website you have. Below is an example: The search engines factor in the URL name. The key words desert, gardening, gardening ideas are present in the URL. As opposed to

Another important factor is “usability” can visitors and search engines navigate and find their way around your site? Is it cluttered, too many links, images and or graphics?  Does it load really slow! The simpler the navigation the better. Too many ads is another big no-no.

Does quality Content Count?

The number one on-page optimization tip is this “Good Quality Content”. If you have that you’ve won half the battle.

Get a Free Listing On Google

Get a free listing on Google places. Many SEO companies are reluctant or forget to add their client’s website to Google Places. The listing is free and can get you many potential customers to your site. Get your site listed here now:

Getting Legitimate One Way Links

This brings us to building one-way links to your website. It is essential this be done correctly. First, here are few don’ts about building one-way links.

  • Do not purchase any type of link. No matter how cheap. There are some legitimate link building sites, but research is what you should do before forking out money to any link building site.
  • Do not ask or do any type of reciprocal linking.  It’s outdated…not worth it.
  • Don’t build links too fast. If you are just starting 5-10 a week is good.
  • Don’t have all your one-way links pointing to your home page.  Other pages with good content should also have one-way links.
  • Don’t link to unrelated sites. Your garden site should not be linking to an Internet Marketing one.

It is important to note if you have good valuable content you will receive links from other related sites.

Off-page Optimization – Join forums in your niche and place legitimate comments on posts. Do not add a generic comment like…”great post” this will not work. You have to read the post and make an educated comment. You will have the option to add your email and website link at the bottom of the post. Many forums won’t let you post comments until you yourself have made several posts.

Writing articles – Write articles about your niche and submit them to the top article directories. At the bottom of each article, you will have an author bio section, this is where you can add your website link. There is an on going debate by Internet Marketing folks who say this does not work anymore. It still works but not as well as it once was.

Be sure to add your site to other search engines. Google is the number one search engine and if listed correctly it can bring in tons of visitors. However, Yahoo and Bing are good sources of traffic.

You can use SEO companies to help with your SEO campaign but it is best to research these companies as many use black hat techniques or are complete rip-offs.

SEO for your local Las Cruces Website can be somewhat hard to do unless you can find someone to help you achieve higher rankings.  Contact us today by following this link.

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