Local Business Websites
One of the easiest ways to start a local business website is by using WordPress.org platform. So, what is WordPress? In a nutshell is a very easy way to develop, maintain and start almost any type of online business via WordPress.
It is a theme based framework that almost anyone can use to build a site. It can be used to start a normal business site regardless of how complicated you think it might be.
WordPress.org and WordPress.com what is the difference?
Do not get confused with wordpress.org and wordpress.com. Here is a site that outlines what the big differences are. http://www.expand2web.com/blog/wordpressorg-vs-wordpresscom-which-one-should-i-use/
What you really want is a blogging platform that has all the bells and whistles and wordpress.org has that plus much more.
WordPress.org is a blogging platform that needs web hosting and a domain name. You do have the ability to upload numerous themes. You can upload plugins including SEO and other important marketing programs. If you want to make money with your blog this is the platform that you want.
Here are Some Examples of Sites You Can Start
Membership site
News site
Internet Marketing
Work at Home
Offline Business
Auto Dealership
Entrepreneur Website
Brick and Mortar Websites
eCommerce Websites
And much more. Nowadays there are millions of themes you can use to start a website and it doesn’t matter what you want to do with it. Build a site that coincides with your offline business, or maybe you just want to publish your own photography, art, musical or business ideas.
Gone are the days of learning HTML, XHTML and other technical programming languages that made you shy away from publishing your own website.
WordPress.org it is a free open source blog platform or content management system. It enables you to develop really great looking sites. It can look similar to this one or use an existing free themed skin that is available through your dashboard.
There are still some challenges using WordPress such as installing it on your web hosting server and finding the right theme and skin. But, you would have to do that anyway using the traditional FTP and HTML editing software.
Finding the Right Business Theme.
WordPress.org has hundreds of free themes that anyone can use. It’s just a matter of finding one that suits your needs. For those who are just beginning I highly recommend using the free themes offered on wordpress.org. There are also many themes that you pay for but again, you will need to upload, download and install on your server. Click here to find the right theme for your website.
Plugins that help your WordPress site
WordPress.org has a ton of free plugins that will help with almost anything you need to do. Want to rank higher in the search engines? There is a plugin for that. Need to keep spam away? Another plugin that will do just that. Need a follow-up form? Yes…another plugin that can help you add it to your blog. It is important that you review each plugin before installing it on your blog.
Too many plugins can slow down your page from loading very frustrating for your viewers. Using WordPress websites for local business works very well particularly for those who are just starting out. You can always hire us to install your WordPress site. We can also teach you how to maintain and add content to your site thus keeping your costs down. WordPress websites for local business.
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