To most online folks making an extra income with a website is a big dream. The reality is this can be done and it’s not as hard as some people think it is. Millions of online marketing businesses claim “we will make you rich in no time”. Of course, you and I know these are false claims. You can make extra money with your website, blog or blogger site.
Legitimate online money-making program
So what am I talking about? Google’s AdSense program. It is one of the quickest and easiest ways to make some money online. First of all, you will need a website, blogging platform, or any informational type website. If you can publish a web page or blog you can make some extra money with your site. I’ve been making money with this type of venture for over 10 years.
Make extra money with your website
Here are some questions I get frequently.
- How much can I make?
- What type of website do I need?
- How do I get paid?
- What type of content do I need?
- Is this some sort of money-making scheme?
You can make as little as 10 dollars a month some websites have made over $10,00.00 in one month’s time. It also depends on several factors. One of them is the niche you are in. For instance, any site in the health industry will usually have higher click-thru payouts. The threshold is $100.00 USD. So if you don’t make at least that much it carries over to the next month.
Your website has to be 100% unique…something that will tell the Google Adsense team – This website is a legitimate business and we should allow them to use Adsense ads on their website.
You can get paid by check or have the funds deposited directly into your bank account.

What type of content will you need?
You will need content that is not published elsewhere, not automated or scraped-up content from other websites. It has to be something useful or helpful to your potential visitors.
Google’s AdSense program is 100% legitimate. Matter of fact it is free to join, with no fees of any kind. Here is a link with more information.
If you need help getting your website set up with Adsense advertising links contact us right here.